“I like what’s going on with your pictures, the emotions, their eyes. Your pictures are very strong, great composition and body language. You’re able to capture their feelings. Their emotions, you can tell their statement. You have the ability to capture emotions, the tears, the joys in some. I like your point of very strong work. You do well with the camera.
People are not the least bit hiding emotions from you and the camera. Acceptance with their pain to tell their story is what I’m seeing. It’s all very emotional. I like the emotions; they were caught very nicely. Being able to capture tears are not normal, meaning people normally cage up and hide when they see the camera. You’re looking on as outsider, yet they have accepted you as one of their own.
You tell a story in thought and feelings. You don’t hesitate to shoot what you see. A new person, they don’t move in, they stand back and take pictures. I can tell you are familiar with the camera. You made a good choice in lenses. Debra, I don’t see any standoffish in their body language, for they accept you. Your pictures make very strong statements. Your pictures are shot correctly. I can tell you’ve been taking pictures for a while.”
Bruce Troyer
B&W Photographer and Instructor